By getting hold of the word "soil", the key of holographic ideas of environmental protection will be understood. 我的人造土壤技术却能做到这一点,抓住了“土”字,就是掌握了全息环保理念的核心。
Holographic cameras will become widespread. 全息摄影将得到普及。
This article applies genetic algorithm in the design of varied-line-spacing holographic grating. An ordinary meter will not respond to these rapid alterations. 本文将遗传算法应用于变间距全息光栅设计。普通的电流计无法响应这些快速的交替变化。
What will the complete prototype of the emerging holographic brain and head look like, and when will we see the changes? 新兴全息头脑的完全原型将像什么,我们将会什么时候看见这改变?
The general 4-focal-length architecture of volume holographic storage is a bandwidth-limited system, which will cause inter-symbol interference and lead to the increase of the bit error rate. 体全息存储通常采用的4f结构是一个有限带宽系统,它引起像素间串扰,带来误码率的增大。
When the hologram taken by this method is illuminated by the three primary color general light beams whose spacial frequencies are equal to the three primary color reference beams respectively, the three-dimensional true color holographic image of the original object will be reconstructed with the cross-talk removed. 用这种方法记录的彩色全息图,当用与三基色参考光束的空间频率相同的三基色普通光束照射时,将重现消除了串色干扰的原物体的三维彩色像。
In this paper ordinary and holographic photoelastic methods are used the determine strain-energy-density factor at crack tip and the direction along which the crack will extend. 本文利用普通光弹性和全息光弹性的方法测取了裂纹尖端处的应变能密度因子和裂纹将要开裂时的方向。
Superimposed holograms in 3-dimensional volume holographic storage will introduce noise into the readout messages. 在三维体全息信息存储中,全息图叠置将引起信息读出噪音。
At present, diffraction efficiency of holographic material is a hot spot in the field of holography technique, and its research will certainly influence the development of holography technique. 全息记录材料的衍射率是目前全息技术研究中的一个热点,它的研究影响着全息技术的发展。
Chinese medicine holographic Angle, will this concept used in brand building, brand and network pulse condition for diagnosis and treatment. 以全息的角度,将此观念运用在品牌建设中,对品牌与网络的脉象进行诊疗。
For holographic solitons, the interference of two mutually coherent beams will induce a grating in refractive index and lead to simultaneous trapping of the two beams in a form of spatial solitons via XPM, arising from Bragg diffraction from the induced grating. 对全息光孤子,两束相干光之间由于干涉在介质中形成折射率光栅,两束光在通过该光栅时发生布拉格衍射产生横相位调制,使得两束光同时被捕获形成空间光孤子。
As a test particle comes close to a holographic screen, of which the number of degrees of freedom proportional to its area, the entropy stored on holographic screen varies, and an effective interaction will be emer-gent, i. e. Gravity. 当探测粒子靠近一种自由度正比于面积的全息屏时,全息屏上的熵发生了变化,进而产生一种等效的作用力,也就是引力。